What does the term “energy burden” mean?

Energy burden refers to the percent of a household’s income spent on energy costs.

A household’s energy burden might be higher if a household has a lower income (because the electric bill eats up a lot of each paycheck). Or, a household’s energy burden could be higher if they live in a poorly insulated house, meaning that the heating/cooling systems need to be run more often.

The median energy burden for The United States is 3.1%.1, while the average energy burden for the state of Virginia is slightly lower at 2%.2 The average energy burden for each census tract in the Charlottesville region ranges from about 1.5% to 6.5%.

Energy burdened households are households that spend more than 6% of their income on energy costs.3 Burdens that exceed 6% can interfere with a households’ ability to pay for other critical expenses or increase the risk of energy shutoffs by utility companies. The map below shows the percentage of households in each census tract that are energy burdened.

pal <- colorNumeric("BuPu", reverse = FALSE, domain = cvlshapes$percentburdened)

leaflet(cvlshapes) %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
  addPolygons(data = cvlshapes,
              fillColor = ~pal(percentburdened),
              weight = 1,
              opacity = 1,
              color = "white",
              fillOpacity = 0.6,
              highlight = highlightOptions(weight = 2, fillOpacity = 0.8, bringToFront = T),
              popup = paste0(cvlshapes$NAME.y, "<br>",
                            "Pct. Burdened: ", round(cvlshapes$percentburdened, 2))) %>%
  addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = cvlshapes$percentburdened,
            title = "Percent of Energy<br>Burdened Households", opacity = 0.7)

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  1. National energy burden average: The American Council for an Energy-Efficiient Economy↩︎

  2. Virginia energy burden average: The Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy↩︎

  3. The 6% affordability threshold is based on Fisher, Sheehan and Colton’s Home Energy Affordability Gap Analysis. This affordability percentage is based on the assumption that an affordable housing burden is less than 30% of income spent on energy, and 20% of housing costs should be allocated to energy bills. This leads to 6% of an affordable housing burden spent on energy costs, or a 6% energy burden. For more information, click here↩︎