Employment data was provided by the University of Virginia Human Resources, and it reflects University employment as of 12/31/2021.
The identities represented reflect how employees self-identified. 150 employees did not disclose their racial identity, so it’s unknown.
For gender identity, employees were only given options “male” and “female”, which means there are likely non-binary or transgender UVA employees whose true gender identity is not represented here. UVA employees do have the option to self-report more comprehensive gender identity information, but we do not have access to those data.
These data represent local employees, here defined as employees with home addresses in the following ZIP Codes:
To derive the annual pay for the hourly employees represented here, multiply 2080 (52 weeks x 40 hours) by the hourly rate. We assume that the university employees here are full-time workers to form the comparisons to the community employees, but we understand that different UVA employees qualify for different paid time off benefits, and that some employees might not actually work 2080 hours per year. If some employees do not work full time or do not work year round, then they might not be perfectly analogous to the community sample represented here.
Community data was retrieved from the Public Use Microdata of the American Community Survey (ACS) conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau from the 2016-2020 five-year estimates. LINK TO PUMS
In the ACS, people report their annual income, and these amounts were converted to 2020 dollars by based on instructions from the PUMS data dictionary (see page 17 in the data dictionary). Income bins were created to match the pay-bands available in the data from UVA.
These data represent community members living in the following localities: Charlottesville City, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Nelson, Greene, Louisa.
We included only people who reported working 35 or more hours a week.
From the PUMS data, we used the srvyr package in R to calculate the estimates for the number and percent of workers in each demographic group or pay range.